Amazing, the month of May and now the start of June 2023 has been very wet… lots of rain. Unfortunately, it also means mud, Pets and children dragging it into the house, weeds popping up all over the place, fast growing grass that requires maintenance.

Nothing better than having a gorgeous, natural-looking artificial grass lawn that will be the envy of your neighborhood. We offer many different types of Synthetic Grass solutions for the many problems homeowners face with their grass lawns. All of our turf products are durable, low maintenance, water conserving, and mud free.

Now is the Perfect time to Switch your Lawn Over to Artificial grass

We will come in and prep and remove your current lawn and install the Perfect Turf to your landscape.

All of our artificial turf products are made in America from start to finish.  They have complete control over the manufacturing process so they pay extra attention to the quality and durability of their artificial grass for residential yards.

Lets Get Started

Perfect turf offers a variety of different synthetic turfs, and has one specific artificial turf for your needs. To get more information and to schedule a free quote for your property please contact us at (303) 829 – 8018 or click here to fill out a form.